Saturday, January 22, 2011

And the Countdown Begins...Long Distance Relationships

What do you do when the one you love is thousands of miles away? Many people today are in long-distance relationships and know about the heart ache that comes with being separated from their boyfriend or girlfriend. The truth is long-distance relationships are tough and that's really all there is to it. There is no magic trick to make them work out and no way to make those "I miss him/her so damn much I could die" feelings subside. Also, unless you plan on teleporting, your phone and computer are likely your most treasured items because they are what keep you connected with your loved one. However, talking on the phone or video chatting can only give so much. Nothing can compare to being right next to your boyfriend or girlfriend and being able to touch them and talk face-to-face. But, if you are currently in a long-distance relationship I'm assuming you have already figured this out. 
So, what do you do? How do you maintain a healthy relationship with someone who isn't in the same city, state, country, or even continent? I have been in a long-distance relationship (about 1000 miles) in the past and, like most, it failed after four months. Today, I'm incredibly glad that it did since I love my current boyfriend to death. Still, I only see him every weekend and I have become very used to the "long-distance feel." The first tip I would suggest to anyone is to ACCEPT IT.. Unless your boyfriend/girlfriend suddenly drops out of college or leaves his/her job and shows up at your doorstep in the middle of the night, you can't change the fact that the two of you are apart and likely will be for a while. In other words, it is how it is and this should be your mindset from the beginning. Secondly, you must realize that, like every relationship, there is a likelihood of it not working out. Everyone always wants to think that their relationship is strong enough to survive the challenges of distance, but there is always a potential for a break up. 
Thirdly, you need to be prepared to handle some situations on your own. Depending on your individual lives, both of you are not always going to be able to answer every text or phone call. It is important to have stable friends outside of your relationship to fall back on when your boyfriend or girlfriend is out of touch. When you do talk, remember that texts and phone calls aren't the same as face-to-face contact and misunderstandings can escalate quickly. Remember to keep your cool because being hung up on is never a good feeling. Finally, if the time comes when you are sure that the relationship isn't going to work out, try breaking up face-to-face. If this isn't possible for a long time, don't drag it out but be sensitive. Just because he or she isn't there, doesn't give you the right to end something that was once very special with a five minute phone call. Hopefully, this time WON'T ever come and you will be able to keep your relationship strong. To those out there who have tried or are still successfully managing to have a healthy long-distance relationship, I offer you much respect. You should be proud of yourselves for trying something that many have labeled impossible.
-->Here are some more tips about long distance relationships. Hope they help. 

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