Monday, January 24, 2011

Why is He Acting Funny?

Ladies, have u ever been dating a guy and things are going well but all of a sudden he starts acting funny? Less attentive Awkward silence over the phone? Just not the same guy you started to like in the first place? So what’s wrong? He just not that into you sweetie! We’ve all heard that line before, but sadly its true. Boys mature into men at a slower pace then girls mature into women do. So if he seems bored with you then he probable isn’t ready for a long term relationship or an exclusive relationship. What’s the solution for you? Well this might be hard for those of you who attach easily with your partners but you have to beat these men at their own game. Men go crazy when they realize they are no longer a priority in a woman’s life. Treat him like he treats you. If he acts as if he doest want you, then you don’t want him. Ladies, if a man doesn’t make you feel special every time you hear his voice, if he loses interest in you for no apparent reason then he doesn’t deserve you or your time. Life is too short to waste your time with no good men.

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