Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chained to your man/woman?

We all know those couples. The ones that can't go anywhere with out each other? The ones that text each other all day even though they spend every night together? The ones whose whole life revolves around each other? Sure, it's cute when people are in love but there is a difference between love and obsession. In other words, we aren't in high school anymore. No, that's more of a harsh bitchy joke but in some ways it's true. With maturity, comes being able to stand on your own two feet, even if you have someone else by your side. People who are in serious relationships need to be able to have their own independent sense of self. Believe me, I'm no expert on this and it's something I have struggled with. However, I've learned that letting my boyfriend go to poker with the guys WITH OUT me is both necessary and healthy for our relationship. So guys, don't tag along with your girlfriend to a girl night of chick flicks and doing nails. And girls, let your boyfriend play his Halo games with out kissing him in between every level. Not only are you helping yourselves or your significant other, but you are also reducing the chance of being labeled as THAT girlfriend or boyfriend among his or her friends. So come on, enough with the ball and chain. Sometimes distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

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