Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So You Have Kids...

Striving to keep your relationship spicy and booming with a kid in the picture? First off, let me state for the record that although possible, it will get harder as the child gets older. But to keep your relationship spicy with a kid or more, you will need the assistance of ones who can babysit. Once you find that then you both just need to set aside a day where it is just dedicated to the two of you. Try not to call in and see how things are going with the child if you know you have left them with a trusted, responsible adult. Not checking up on your child may sound irresponsible but its not and it just ruins the moment with you and your partner. When you set aside at least once every two weeks to couple time then it will defiantly help. Ladies, give your man some attention. Just because you have a child doesn’t mean you don’t have a man. Men need love too. And parents, stop letting your kid sleep with you. The bed is sacred territory for you and your partner. More advice to come on this topic so stay tuned.

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