Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freaking Facebook

Have you ever had the conversation about whether someone's relationship status is Facebook official? Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? I mean, I have no problem with people putting up their current relationship status, single, in a relationship with someone. That's fine. It's informative. As far as statuses like "Complicated," well, then, you are no help to anyone whatsoever, least of all the person to whom the profile belongs. But the real issue is the notion of "Facebook Official" as a title in our society. Couples get in arguments because they aren't Facebook Official yet. True, maybe it's odd if your profile says your single and your not, but I'm talking about people who don't have Facebooks or don't list their relationship status still using the social networking site as a standard. If you can say to me, oh, we're serious, but we're not Facebook Official, and I can completely understand what your talking about, then something is wrong with the world.

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