Sunday, February 6, 2011

You are fine the way you are.

It's common knowledge that most people want to and enjoy being in a relationship. Some people hop from one relationship to another (though the one they hop to is usually a rebound). I understand why people want to be in a relationship because of the love, comfort, and just plain fun that comes with it. Still, I have noticed that some people literally make finding a guy the center of their lives. Why can't people just hang back and relax and not constantly be on the prowl? I may be sounding like a hypocrite because I do have a boyfriend and I enjoy our relationship very much. Nevertheless, I think it is important to take a step back and talk about the ongoing race of finding a guy or a girl. We need to start realizing that each and everyone one of us is a unique, beautiful person who doesn't need someone else to complete us. 
I have often heard people tell me that when you stop looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend and just enjoy the many aspects of your life, eventually someone shows up when you least expect it. I tell this to one of my good friends all the time and she always responds by saying "I know I have stopped but they still haven't shown up." The truth---she hasn't stopped. Every time I'm with her she talks about how much she wants a boyfriend and how she doesn't understand how all of her friends have boyfriends except for her. I wish everyday that she could realize how amazing and gorgeous of a person she really is and how not having a boyfriend doesn't make her any less of a person. Unfortunately, she is very head-strong about the subject. I have started to notice that she spends so much of her time wishing she had a boyfriend that, when she is around guys, she doesn't show her true colors because she is thinking of whether or not the person could be a potential romance. I feel sorry for her because it seems as though she is missing the many wonderful aspects of her life because she is so worried about not having someone. It drives me crazy that there is nothing I can do about the subject except continuing to remind her that she is a great person with so much potential.
When it comes down to it, most people are pretty good on picking up on certain qualities. If you meet a guy or girl and being to text him all the time, try to hang out with them often, and make your friendship more than it is, they will most likely bolt. Being natural and going with the flow (with limits) is a much better way to go. If you end up being in a relationship, it will be because the other person likes who you are, not because they know how long you have been waiting to be in a relationship. People who are in relationships for the sake of being in a relationship realize sooner rather than later that they have made a mistake. So, if you have been obsessing about finding a guy or girl, slow down and take a break. Focus on school, hang out with your friends, pursue a hobby. Just because you aren't going out and searching for someone doesn't mean you will never find them. And I guarantee that if you have your life together and are confident about who you are regardless of being single, you are going to be much more attractive than the other person who is counting down the minutes until they find that special someone.

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