Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sticky Situation.

So, your best friend breaks up with their boyfriend or girlfriend and from what you can tell the relationship is over for good. What happens if you start to have feelings for your best friend's ex significant other? Is there any way this can work? Is it possible to still have a relationship with your best friend if you end up dating his or her ex? These, unfortunately are not questions that can be answered quickly and are filled with exceptions specific to each situation. Luckily, I have never found myself in this situation myself (I'm the type of person who couldn't date a best friend's ex and also the type of person who would flip if my best friend did this to me). Nonetheless, after seeing it be done a few times throughout my time I have some tips based on my observations:
1.) Consider how close your friendship is and how much it means to you. Does a romantic relationship mean more to you even if that friend has always been there for you?
2.) If you are thinking about dating your friend's ex, WAIT AWHILE. There is nothing more back-stabbing then starting to have a fling with your friend's ex just a week after the relationship ended. Honestly, I would suggest waiting years until the relationship is definitely a part of the past. If the chemistry is that strong, there is no reason it shouldn't be there in the future.
3.) Ask your best friend how they feel about the situation. Make sure you actually listen to their response and don't alter it to make it fit how you feel/what you want.
4.) If you do end up becoming serious with your friend's ex, don't flaunt it. This is a mean and very insensitive thing to do.
5.) Do whatever you can to not go there. Think about it. Your best friend will likely always be there for you while most, especially young, relationships are bound to change. Besides, do you really want your bf's sloppy seconds?

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