Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here come wedding bells...

Is it just me or is it scary when couples who have been going out for two months start talking about wanting to get married? Is it me or is it scary when couples who are very young actually DO get married? I remember talking about marriage with my  high school boyfriend, being ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that the first serious boyfriend I ever had would become my husband. Ok, so I was young and naive and it comes with the age and the level of maturity. However, I STILL hear people talking frequently about marriage and it makes me want to hop in their relationship car and slam on their breaks for them (that may have been a stretch of an analogy but just roll with it). My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half and have talked about the potential of marriage in the future and how we would like that to happen. Like every girl, this makes me feel all giddy and warm inside. We don't talk about the fine details of getting married though and the day is most definitely not around the corner. I know some couples who bring up marriage all the time and they have been dating for a year or less. Ok, I get you are in love but let's be honest--you're twenty. I don't believe in bashing on people's hopes and dreams but I do think it is important that people our age should be focused on other things like school, work, social lives, and their romantic (not married) relationships. Personally, I think it is important to be with a person for many year  before deciding to get married, but this may just be me.  I believe a long, successful, happy marriage will be experienced by couples who know each other well and have been through a lot together. Some of my friends who are my age are already getting married in the spring and I want to ask them what is wrong with being a couple for a few more years. Why rush into the responsible life of marriage? Why pretend to be an adult when you are really still a kid? Let's not rush things here people.

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