Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's time to think.

There are a couple of people I know that need to take a crash course on "romantic relationship etiquette." It may just be me but I think it is really strange when a person frequently talks about past hookups and crushes to their boyfriend or girlfriend. Sure, these topics do come up and a couple should be aware of their significant other's past love lives. However, I think it is both rude and insensitive to bring up other flings on a regular basis and, especially, to bring them up and talk about them in front of many other people. The other week when I was at home my friend was hanging out with her boyfriend and a couple of our close friends. She saw a boy she had had relations with in the past and started freaking out and calling attention to the situation. It was weird because the guy didn't even see her and no one else would have noticed if she hadn't brought it up. Now, this may just be a personal characteristic she has and she may enjoy creating drama out of nothing, but I still think it is worth bringing up. Personally, I wanted to slap her and ask her why the hell she was doing that in front of her boyfriend (or at all really). I have a feeling if her boyfriend had pointed out a girl he had been with in the past, she would have thrown a fit. Basically what I'm trying to say is have some respect. If you are with another person, you aren't considering their feelings if you are pointing out every Tom, Harry, or Dick you hooked up with on a drunken party night. If the behavior continues, your significant other could begin to have a problem with what you are doing and wonder why those other people matter so much to you. He or she may act like they don't care but they could be thinking something very different. If you are still having difficulty grasping this concept, try considering being in your partner's shoes and having to be reminded of who they used to date. Doesn't feel very good, does it?

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