Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey there, nice guys.

I know theres a saying about how nice guys finish last. And know theres a stereotype about how pretty girls always choose to date attractive jerks, and "nice guys" always complain about it. Wait a second though. I was on stumble the other day, and found a short note written in favor of nice guys. It reminded me of all the other sorts of complaints I'd ever heard about how girls never pick the nice guy. They all seem.. misplaced. This one went on and on about how he was always treating his friends who were girls like his girlfriends. That's not what he said, but from a girl's perspective, it's what he described, as he held their purses and went shopping with them because they pushed him to. And for reasons like this, this guy choose to wail for 3 more paragraphs about how all girls are like these girls he calls his friends; namely, dumb and unfeeling. What? You're the one who can't apparently pick friends. Hint to guys: no girlfriend or friend should treat you like that ever, please be smart enough to drop them and not make create even more stereotypes. I'm almost wondering if these nice guys who complain about how girls also go for jerks aren't actually up to scratch. Either you hang out with total bitches and associate them as the totality of what the female population has to offer, or you're over estimating yourself. Harsh, but possibly true! Know how on most campuses or high schools theres a few big men on campus? Popular, sometimes athletes, whatever. Notice how they tend to look like normal people, not models? And if you ever meet them, they're really nice? Meet a truly nice guy. Every big guy on campus, by the time they've become a junior or senior, high school or college, have come to establish a reputation... and if they are total jerks, even if they're attractive, people won't think highly of him. The guys who are genuinely nice always actually come out on top. It seems like girls know what going on after all. So all "nice guys" who complain and rip on girls,  if you rip on girls, you might not actually be a nice guy. And esp. with Valentine's Day coming up (I feel obligated to mention it, chicle as it is in a romance blog) now is always a good time to change that :)

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